Want lenient marking for CBSE AISSCE Physics Exam 2018

7 March 2018, Today CBSE AISSCE Physics exam of class 12 was a bit disappointing for many.
Most of the questions where bit tricky and indirect. Especially the 3 Mark questions from Section C.
Considering that we only got a single day to revise the portions before our exam which is yet another reason which made this paper tough.
Students going for JEE coaching may find it a bit easier because they have been practicing this for a while. But that's not the case with most of the other students who depend on school notes and NCERT.
Last year's XII batch had an extension of the moderation policy which awarded grace marks, after the Delhi High Court intervened. The CBSE has said that the moderation policy has been stopped from this year onwards.
This is not fair as the previous batches had the moderation policy and the succeeding batches would have a reduction in the syllabus. This leaves the present XII students with neither a reduction in the syllabus nor having the moderation policy.
We request the CBSE Examination Board to make the correction liberal so that it wont affect our future.
Sign your petition and do share this petition with all your friends and let this reach CBSE.
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